Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Administrative: Attendance & photos

I have uploaded two new documents into Bilda:

"110923 Attendance.pdf". Please check this document to verify that I have correct information about your track record. The vast majority of students are OK. A few students have to improve their attendance from now on in order to pass the requirements (Marco S, Kristoffer T, Fahad W). A few students are in the "danger zone" and have to improve considerably (Yashar M, Pontus W). A separate blog post will follow later about attendance and the consequences of not reaching the set goals during the start-up phase of the course (75% attendance).

"110923 FoM-photos.pdf" - photos of the class as of the end of last week. There are 73 students taking the course. For those 6 who have managed to avoid being photographed (perhaps believing in animism and refusing to be "captured" on photo?) - you are from now on safe! I will stop hounding and hunting you with my camera ("the law of diminishing return" is at play here).

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