Wednesday, November 9, 2011

2nd review meeting for project groups (Nov 25-29)

We will have the mid-term critique on Monday next week. After that, only a little more than three and a half weeks remain until the final presentation.

We have planned for a second review meeting with all project groups where you have the chance to bounce ideas and get feedback from Daniel and Åke about your text and what you want to do with it, or about you presentation, or about anything else.

We have prepared 18 half-hour slots 10-14 days before the final presentation (3-7 days before the final deadline for the text). We will bring a sign-up sheet to the mid-term critique and these are the time slots you will be able to choose between:

Fri Nov 25 13.00-15.00 (4 groups)
Mon Nov 28 10.00-12.00 (4 groups) and 15.00-17.00 (4 groups)
Tue Nov 29 09.00-12.00 (6 groups)

There are 11 project groups and 18 slots so even the last group to choose will have 8 slots to choose between.


  1. The deadline for handing in the text is November 25 according to Malin in the coordination group. Isn't it kind of strange to discuss it after!?

  2. Fri Nov 25 is for a draft, the final version should be handed in a week later, on Fri Dec 2. Your text will get read and you will get feedback inbetween but you might also want to discuss the text face-to-face at this meeting...
